ND Successfully Defended Residential Homebuilder in Construction Defect Claim Resulting in Savings of Over $2.7M

Overview Joe Ferrentino defended a top five national homebuilder in a construction defect litigation claim involving high-end homes in Ladera Ranch. The bench trial involved 19 homes where homeowners claimed defects from the dirt to the roofs and started trial with a cost of repair estimate of almost $2.7 million. To add to the complexity, the homes were mixed between being covered by the Right to Repair Act and pre-dating the Act. Because the homes looked beautiful, Joe convinced the judge to inspect each of the homes herself.  After visiting the homes and over 20 days of testimony, Newmeyer Dillion’s client completely defensed the claims of seven homes and the Court agreed with the scope of repair offered by the defense on the remaining homes.  The cost of repair for the remaining twelve homes will be well below the offer made and should result in ND’s client recovering most of its trial costs. Read the full story here.